Rather than lament the misery of single life, there are times to appreciate the subtle joys of detachment. With no man to cuddle with this past, rainy Saturday---I decided to fill it up with the people and activities I love.
Braving the weather, I took in a musical at The Sandbox Theatre and later caught up with some former band mates at a Good N Plentie gig. It was a great time; filled with laughter and singing; drinking and dancing. By the end of their last set, I had truly made a night of it; but I still wanted more. So as a last minute impulse, I trotted my social behind to the local dive for one more drink. What I got instead was a triple shot of my past---straight up.
“One Vodka Cranberry, please” I ordered.
“It’s on me,” interjected the adjacent barfly.
As I turned to thank my new beverage benefactor, a trio of dart players caught my eye.
"Oh No..." I gasped in horror.
I knew I knew them…and I knew where from. I knew we’d all spent the better part of two years together. I knew what kind of beer they liked and what video games they played. Most of all, I knew that they knew me---as their friend’s fiancé---so many years ago.
Yup, that’s right! Once upon a time; your little Alex was engaged. He wasn’t a handsome prince and it wasn’t a happy ending, but it did set the stage for so many other adventures.
At this point, the only thing I didn’t know was how to act. Luckily, one gulp of liquid courage eliminated that problem post-haste...
“HEEEYYYYYYYY!!!” I cheered [a little too] enthusiastically.
“ALEX, HEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!” They greeted back.
Ah, relief! My ex had onced crushed me with the news that his friends were thrilled to see me go. It particularly saddened me to think that his best friend thought less of me. He always seemed so funny and kind; and I thought we got along really well! Well, now [in the midst of their warm, drunken hospitality] I learned that I was right. In fact his friends distanced themselves from him shortly after our break-up and they haven't spoken since.
Before you know it, they were buying me drinks and inviting me to play darts. But after three more Vodka Crans [and some truly unsafe dart launching] I was drunk off my petite patoot! Somehow suddenly, our party dwindled down to two: Me and the Ex’s Ex-Best Friend. We caught up on work, life---everything. Soon he even walked me home… Even got my number… Even kissed me…
But even in my condition, I knew it was wise to send him home. So I did.
We texted yesterday and while I admittedly have NO idea what to make of any of this---I find myself oddly intrigued.