Week nine – I’m
on an elevator.
“How far along are you?” asks a male neighbor, presumptuously.
Smiling, I reply “about nine weeks.”
“Wow!” he exclaims. “My
wife’s four months and you’re MUCH bigger than her.”
Week twelve – A family
member gasps at the sight of me and insists I replace cookies with salad for
the remainder of my prenatal period.
Teary-eyed, I retrieve Chips Ahoy from the supermarket.
Week fifteen – I engage
my pants in a twenty minute battle for closure.
Finally, my button submits – victory!
Walking into the office however, I discover I’ve forgotten the zipper. RETREAT!
OK, so I popped early.
And yes, my clothes are snug. And
wow, people are not shy!
But I don’t need any reminders, guys. Life reminds me constantly!
I’m blessed to have never really struggled with my
weight. This is the biggest I’ve ever
been. And while I’m THRILLED to be
pregnant, it has already taken a wee toll.
I mean, walking is hard; sleeping is hard; driving is hard! I’m not whining, but in the immortal words of
Ron Burgundy “that escalated quickly!”
Being a positive person I decided to embrace my bump and
schedule a cute WE’RE PREGNANT photo shoot.
Excitedly, I made plans to pick up booties and pumpkins and bellylicious
outfits. That was until I was asked “…but
are you really big enough for a photo
shoot like that?”
Well – I don’t know.
What’s big enough?
What’s too big?
I’m trying to turn lemons into lemonade here, people (errr fat
into Facebook likes) – somebody please throw me a bone!
All of that said, my doctor says I’m right on track.
So please excuse me while I tune you out and get ready for my close up.